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Matthias Rier
San Valentino 35
I-39040 Castelrotto
Alto Adige / Italia

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    Title Address Description
    St. Valentin 35, 39040 Castelrotto BZ, Italien
    Directions to the Marmsolhof

    Coming from the north:

    on the Brenner autobahn, take the Chiusa/Gröden exit. From here, follow the signs in the direction of Alpe di Siusi. At the roundabout in Kastelruth, take the first exit and after 100 meters turn left in the direction of Alpe di Siusi. After Hotel Valentinerhof, take the 2nd street on the left and follow the signs.
    (It takes about 20 minutes from the Klausen motorway exit).

    Coming from the south:

    on the Brenner autobahn, take the Bozen Nord exit and follow the signs to Seis/Seiser Alm. From Seis it is another 1 km in the direction of Castelrotto, before you take the turnoff to the right in the direction of Seiser Alm and St. Valentin After the Hotel Valentinerhof, take the second street on the left and follow the signs.

    To our alpine hut

    Follow the signs to Seis/Seiser Alm in the direction of Seiser Alm, drive past the Info Point to Kompatsch. From there straight on towards Saltria. After the Rauchhütte, take the 3rd entrance on the right. 

    If you arrive by train or bus, we will be happy to arrange a taxi service for you.

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    Arrival by bus

    Arrival by airplane

    Look for flights to Innsbruck, Verona, Munich, or Bergamo. Direct bus connection to South Tyrol by SüdtirolBus.

    logo marmsol en
    Fam. Matthias Rier
    S. Valentino 35, I-39040 Castelrotto
    South Tyrol – Italy

    Tel. 0039 0471 706 514

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